Constantly Waiting
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:34 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Pauline Taylor
Song Author
Pauline Taylor
File Size
26 KB
Con-stan-tly wai-ting for some-thing bet-ter to come a-long Am I on-ly wa-sting my time, am I wrong?
Con-stant re-gret for ev-ery litt-le thing that is gone. Do I real-ly want it all back, am I wrong? Though there is si-lence in my house In-side I hear a lit-tle whis-per that re-fu-ses to go a- way And it tells me tha-at There's some-thing mis-sing from m-y life. But I don't know what it can be, I know it's not pos-ses-sions and I know it's not re-lig-ion. Will I e-ver fi-nd o-ut, And do a wo-man fi-nd o-ut, And is it gon-na take a long time? Be-cau-se I'-m a-l-wa-ys